Kristine Laco is Adulting in Progress

Blow Me Up and Knock Me Down
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Blow Me Up and Knock Me Down

With a group of friends, mostly teenagers, we squashed ourselves into a bubble from hips to past our heads. We were caged in with only a ball between the blueberries...

August 10, 2018
London Calling
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London Calling

When Mister asked what was on my travel bucket list that could be part of my 50/50 challenge I immediately said ‘London!’ I’ve been to many places, and my friends...

August 02, 2018
In Search of My Stomach
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In Search of My Stomach

When I was a kid, I’d find the scariest of the roller coasters and line up for hours, much to the distaste of my parents. But something happens when you...

July 23, 2018
Goat Yoga
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Goat Yoga

Week 33 I spent getting zen with goats in goat yoga. If you are precious about your yoga. Don’t go to goat yoga. If you are squeamish about excrement being...

July 17, 2018
Food Fight!
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Food Fight!

I have watched food fights in movies and thought that looked like good clean fun to me. By clean, I mean nobody gets hurts and everyone has a good time....

July 12, 2018