Kristine Laco is Adulting in Progress

Target Practice
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Target Practice

My husband, Mister, and I entered the shooting range and the ratta-tat-tat of the gunfire was intoxicating. Terrifying, but otherwise exciting. Scratch that, we didn’t even have to enter, we heard...

May 03, 2018
Medical Tourism Nicaragua #NailedIt

Medical Tourism Nicaragua #NailedIt

I picked up the above brochure from a hospital in Nicaragua and thought, “Damn, if this doesn’t sound like fun.” So, with the help of a dehydrated and seriously ill...

April 20, 2018
All set for a murder
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There Was a Murder at Our House!

The victim was a fictitious person named Pierre DuPre. I married him for the best three months of my life (sorry Mister). We hosted our very first Murder Mystery dinner party....

April 17, 2018