Author Archives: Kristine Laco

Kristine Laco

Friday F-Off: Resentment
Shit that happens

Friday F-Off: Resentment

MY FRIDAY F-OFF Some Fridays I will take time to tell you about something pissing me off. Therapy for me. Mild amusement at my expense for you. Win-Win. I harbour...

January 23, 2015
I Resolve to Not Resolve

I Resolve to Not Resolve

It is not like I am anti-resolution. My problem right now is how many resolution blogs and articles I have been subjected to. I get it. Everyone is taking this...

January 03, 2015
Christmas is Over
Shit that happens

Christmas is Over

Christmas is a cause for celebration. Everyone is thankful and pleasant. Food seems plentiful. Moods are good (that was a joke!). Booze is coursing through my veins so I ignore...

December 28, 2014
The Best Worst Christmas Ever

The Best Worst Christmas Ever

I lived my childhood with my middle brother and my father. My baby brother grew up with my mom and step-dad. As such, we were always split up at the holidays. So...

December 25, 2014