Go Back to Med School

Go Back to Med School
medical remake

Real med school wording… if he had only just read the book. Tsk tsk.

Now that Mister is on the mend I had a conversation with our usual physiotherapist. Here is how it went:

Therapist: Which vertebrae did Mister break?

Me: C6

Therapist: Which part of C6?

Me: What do you mean?

Therapist: Which part of C6? Was it the twin transverse foramina? Maybe it was the carotid tubercule?

Me: Oh, it was the wingy bit.

Therapist: What do you mean the wingy bit? Could it have been the superior or inferior articular facet? Maybe even the caudal surface or the foramen transversarium.

Me: Is that the wingy bit?

Therapist: I will get you a spine and you can show me.

(He returns with his fake skeleton that looks nothing like the CAT scan image I remember.)

Therapist: What part was broken?

Me: I don’t know. It was the wingy bit. Maybe you should go back to medical school and figure out what that means.

As the secretary chortled and said ‘you just made my day’, I felt vindicated in a foramen transversarium kind-of way.



  1. What??? Oh come on, EVERYBODY knows what the caudularial trinaniumum circularis is! What an ass to throw these “big” (ego inflating?) words at you. And what a great comeback!

  2. Love it. I am starting PT tomorrow for a knee problem and actually had to spell the problem for the medical secretary who needs to write my referral.

  3. well that is another reason to love you. Can you please make this guy a coffee mug that says “wingy bit” – I will totally chip in

  4. Ha ha! Love it 🙂 x

  5. I *did* miss this the first time around, so I’m glad you tweeted about it. It was worth it for the x-ray labels alone. That physio needs to learn regular person jargon. Or, here’s an idea: Read the referral from the MD.

    Poor Mister, though. Is he all better now? Is there anyone in your family who hasn’t broken a bone in 2015?!

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