OCD – only chips & dents

If you see a can of beans with a dent in it, it may not be preferred, but you would still eat it and it wouldn’t be bad for you. It wouldn’t have even changed the taste. It just wasn’t perfect on the outside.

Same with a car. Chips and dents don’t make for a bad ride.

That is how I feel about my OCDish. I have some things (not lots). They just add to my character, but I am still super on the inside! Off the top of my head:

  • IMG_0598ImageI like the little statues on my mantle to be tilted just slightly as if in conversation not staring out at the room (why does no one else in the house understand this one?).
  • It makes me manic to see peanut butter in the butter.
  • I don’t like my food to get messed together on my plate.
  • I have a saved bit of food that I set aside to eat last.
  • All the shirts have to face to the left in the closet.
  • Why can’t the family put the knives away in the right order? I even labelled their little slots for them. Seriously driving me crazy.
  • I can’t stand when someone puts the dog’s towel or brush in his toy bin.

OK, that is a bigger list than I had planned but doesn’t even scratch the surface. Maybe I need help?

As an aside, the irony here is that I am really upset when I post something that is not ready. Last night I got the idea to do this post drafted a title, wrote the first line and pressed publish instead of save. Then I went to bed. I saw it in my twitter feed this morning – MORTIFIED! Apologies to all who saw my work-in-progress. Not sure when I will get over that one…

Whenever I volunteer with someone I haven’t volunteered with before I realize that I am more normal that I realize.

I worked the cookie table at the dance recital yesterday and found a soul mate. He put all the bills facing the same way as they should be. He needed the cookies stacked in equal piles and the water in tidy rows also as they should be.

Mister also worked with us. He didn’t care about the neat stacks or tidy rows or even the bills. An abomination! In fact, none of his habits were readily apparent. It was maddening. I am so glad my new OCD friend was there to improve my normal score. We made Mister look like the crazy one. When he turned his back, I moved the cookies and he moved the water. Score one for the chips and dents crew!


  1. I just had this little conversation with myself at lunch when I opened the silverware drawer! Will they ever learn? haha

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