Spiders, spiders everywhere!

Spiders, spiders everywhere!

spiderA comment  left on a blog post I wrote recently had me thinking way too much about spiders especially since I locked the dead birthday vermin in the attic. So my recent top-of-mind discussion with Mister was really important.

Me: You know we are never more than 6 feet from a spider?

Mister: That’s untrue.

Me: It is 100% true. I’ll bet you.

Mister: Bet me?

Me: Ya, I’ll bet you that you are never more than 10 feet from a spider.

Mister: You said 6 feet.

Me: Did I? Ok, 6 feet, give or take 4 feet.

Mister: So what is the bet? 6 or 10 feet? How confident are you?

Me: 100% sure it is 6 feet.

Mister: Done. For bragging rights?

Me: …and for who kills the next 10 spiders.

Mister: Done.

..and Done. Truth hurts!


I’ll get you the tissues Mister. You are on spider patrol. At least you won’t have to move far 🙂

Somehow, clearing this up didn’t make me feel better about spiders falling on my head at night, which was not at all a fear until that post. Now I fear zombie raccoons AND spiders falling on my head at night. That’s healthy.


  1. Hahaha. Love it! I think way too much about spiders too, and now you may have undone my self administered cure. Thanks alot!


  2. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  3. I have heard that fact about spiders too. I’ve also heard that we eat numerous spiders in our sleep over a lifetime. You’re welcome 🙂

    • DANA! Sorry to yell, but based on this new information, I am going to:
      a) try and not look that up,
      b) not be able to resist,
      c) find out it is true and then,
      d) I will cry for fear of never sleeping again.
      Resist, resist, resist…

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