With the use of only one arm, I am finding pulling on jeans a two-person job. In fact, at a recent event, strangers in the ladies room grabbed belt loops on either side of my pants and I jumped into my ‘far-too-tight for my current state’ wardrobe. It was a bonding experience, and I......
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I picked up the above brochure from a hospital in Nicaragua and thought, “Damn, if this doesn’t sound like fun.” So, with the help of a dehydrated and seriously ill Mister (way to take one for the team!) we visited clinics, pharmacies, labs, emergency rooms, and even sprang for an overnight stay. Bravo Mister.......
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Based on my wildly popular emergency room series, I accompanied a good friend of mine to my favourite place on earth. Not Disney. Emerg! We got there at 745pm and left at 3 something in the morning. I learned plenty and, as always, when I learn something new, I like to share with my......
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It has been, literally, 3 months since I last broke a bone. So I was really overdue. I approached the nearby hospital to have an X-ray on my broken toe from March. Lucky for me though, I had smashed the shit out of a toe on the other foot just the previous day. I......
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Back to my Friday F Off – Emergency Room Drama Plagues Me Yet Again
FFO (Friday F-Off)
April 03, 2015
Since I have been trying to play nice with Karma and doing my Friday 5 Lists, I have not improved my luck any. So, today I am going back to my Friday Fuck Off. This time, it’s personal! I am fully aware that my part of the following story may not garner a lot......
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