Lost and Found

Lost and Found

mittI lost and found something. I walk by that stinky lost and found table at the school almost daily and really never gave it a second thought. But one day I found something there that was more than expected.

I found a mitt. I suppose you were thinking it would be more profound. But it is profound.

Our daughter is one of the most responsible kids you will meet. At 13, she has figured a lot out. One thing she has mastered is the art of holding tight to possessions she loves.

To my knowledge, she had never lost anything of value in her short life. Then one day, she lost a mitt. She was about 9 and those mitts were new and they were warm. She lost just the right one which she had removed to hold her hot chocolate. Kids went by on their toboggans stirring up the snow surrounding them and the mitt was buried.

Her reaction was one reserved for people who value their possessions. She cried, she dug and she cried some more. She had already grown to love her new mitts in one day.

We checked that lost and found that whole winter and it never turned up. The mitts were replaced with similar ones but she just wanted that purple and white one back which, of course, the store had sold out of.

It hit me that her reaction was the same as mine on the day I was washing out the paint jars in grade 5. My mother had just given me a new charm for my charm bracelet. I loved it. It was blue and white and made of ceramic. I loved it so much I wanted to wear it to school to show my friends. I was told not to, but I snuck it out anyway. That charm fell into that dirty painted sink and down the drain. I watched in slow motion as it swirled to the depths inside of the murky water.

My teacher didn’t understand the importance of that moment for me as I cried, dug through the water and cried some more. I knew it would never be retrieved. I learned a valuable lesson that day. The lesson was to hold on to my possessions until they leave us. There is no sense in thinking about and wishing for a different outcome. What is done, is done.

And yet, I found that mitt. It would not longer fit her hand at 4 years lost, but it was there. I took it home and remembered my daughter’s response to the loss of her prized warm mitt. I looked at it and remembered my charm. I hadn’t thought about it since grade 5.

I threw the mitt away before my daughter could get home. She may not have cared to see it, she may not have remembered the day. But, I know, she remembers the lesson. Just maybe, if she saw that that purple and white mitt come back, what she could lose is the lesson instead.


  1. When I’ve lost a valued possession, it’s like I go through a mini grieving process with denial, anger, sadness, and then finally acceptance that it really is gone. Nice post, Kristine. 🙂

  2. I find my sons’ sweatshirts in the lost and found just about every week. Sadly, he is not so tuned in to his possessions as your daughter.

  3. I was about 12 the first (and last) time I went to a public pool. Being conscientious, I took the ring off so I wouldn’t lose it in the pool & put it with my clothes & left it by my lounge chair while I went swimming. After I got out, the bag that held everything was gone (big surprise). I went to the lost & found in tears & while there, a boy I knew brought the bag to the lost & found saying he found it by the garbage. All my clothes were there, but of course, the ring was gone. It had been a birthday gift from my parents just a few months before. To say I was heartbroken is an understatement. Expecting to be punished for losing it, my Mother just hugged me and told me to be more careful. I fully expected to be punished, but instead was comforted. Except I still want the prick who stole a little girl’s ring castrated. But I’m not holding any grudges (uh huh).

  4. what a beautifully written post Kris!! I’ve lost several rings by this time, my high school graduation ring, my ‘camping’ wedding ring, which was so cool, it was the one I would wear when we were camping so i wouldn’t lose another diamond in the rough (ha ha), my for real surprise wedding ring my husband gave me at our wedding (actually, that one was stolen). The boys have lost several thermoses, articles of clothing, they are not attached. I am usually the finder, and that find of yours is epic! I can’t believe 4 yrs later that it shuffled its way back to you. makes for a good story. (^8

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