Who is Mum Revised?

I was on holiday for the last 10 days and I am feeling a bit like I need to reintroduce myself. If any of you are still listening, that is.

I have shared many stories of drugs, sex and rock & roll in the past year. Actually, I have shared none of that. I have also shared none of this. Here are 20 little known Kristine facts. They may not be earth-shattering, but they are mine.

  1. I am allergic to horses.
  2. I have riden a camel in Australia. Her name was Lubby, and I lubbed her.
  3. I adore the game Cards Against Humanity because it is so bad it is good.
  4. I like the spin-type rides at fairs. I will avoid anything that ‘drops’ me. I panic.
  5. I bite my nails when I am nervous. I wish I didn’t and there are lots of occasions that I stop for no particular reason. I know it is an awful habit, but I can’t control myself.
  6. I rely on spell check every time I try to spell occasion, surprise, a lot (I always spell it as one word) or separated.
  7. I prefer beer over wine, coffee over tea and ice cream over any other dessert.
  8. I brush my hair maybe once a week. I wash it and put it in a messy bun and that is where it will stay for most of the day. Every so often (avoiding the use of occasionally) I will run my fingers through it and realize it is a knotted mess and resign myself to brushing it out the next time I am in the shower.
  9. All my clothes face in the same direction in my closet. They face left so that if I push them right they will be facing me. Please tell me you do the same?
  10. I believe that spirits are around us and that my grandmother comes to visit sometimes.
  11. Rome is my favourite city in the world (so far), followed closely by New York City and Melbourne. I would put Toronto in the top 5.
  12. I applied three times to be on the Amazing Race Canada with my niece. They rejected us three times.
  13. I have a serious love of fighter jets. I would buy a fighter pilot calendar over a firefighter calendar any day. That might be in part because my brother is a firefighter and it just seems weird.
  14. MOM stands for Mean Old Mommy in our house so I spell mum the Aussie way when I am being nice. Besides, it sounds like mum so that makes more sense. That is why Mum Revised is spelled the way it is.
  15. I can eat the same thing for lunch or breakfast everyday for a year and not get bored.
  16. I went bungee jumping in New Zealand.
  17. When I get together with my girlfriends we usually make a human pyramid for our group photo. I am always on the bottom.
  18. Basil is my favourite of the herbs, dill is a close second.
  19. I clench my teeth in my sleep so I get to wear a super sexy night guard.
  20. I own at least 5 pairs of good sunglasses and still think I should buy more every time I pass a Sunglass Hut. Stop me! But, I can never find any of the good pairs when I need them so I often have to wear the crappy ones I leave in the car. I have two on my desk as we speak.

Now, tell me something I don’t know about you. Since I know very little, you can tell me what colour socks you have on and I will be fascinated. I am not wearing any, but I do have on my fuzzy slippers. I love slippers and wear them ALL the time. Even in the middle of summer. OK – that was 21.

And now for your amusement (and for my proof):


  1. H-O-L-Y C-R-A-P! I thought you said in #4 that you hate to be dropped! Bungee jumping is the top of the pyramid in terms of fear. Well, all right – monsters, ghosts and maniacs actually are on top, but bungee jumping is right up there!

    I too will leave my hair alone until absolutely necessary. I work out of my home so nobody sees me, and if someone has the inconsideration to knock on my door, they deserve what they get (also no bra – saggy boobs are not my fault!).

    I missed you these past few days – you always give me several chuckles & trust me when I say, I need them!

  2. I am allergic to cats.

    I don’t like the spin type rides, they make me feel like puking. I like all scary rides but I freak out the whole time before and during the ride. And then I insist on riding it again.

    I pick at and split my fingernails when bored or nervous.

    I have to wash my hair everyday because there ain’t no hiding that greasy mess, even put up or under a hat.

    I do it too! I think Gerald thinks I’m bat shit crazy. And he’s probably right, but not about the clothes hanging thing being crazy though because it’s so not. It makes total sense.

    Can you try out for America’s amazing race? Then maybe I’d actually watch the show. 🙂

    Gerald can eat the same thing day in and day out. There was this Chinese restaurant we’d go to A LOT back in the day (before children). The wait staff got to the point where they would get our drink and soup order together as soon as we walked in the door. They knew exactly what we were gonna order.

    I’m with Barbara on her comment about the bungee jumping. If you don’t like things to “drop” you. ??? I’ve always wanted to try bungee jumping but I never have. Maybe I’ll do the indoor skydiving thing. That seems much safer.

    I only buy cheap sunglasses. That way it’s no big deal when I sit on them or drop them on the ground or in the toilet.

    That is all.
    kdcol recently posted…Boudin balls for everyone!My Profile

    • You are spot on with your clothing sorting. Good girl!
      Oh – I am also allergic to cats! We are like twins separated at birth (I looked separated up).
      I can’t try out for the American Race. They don’t know what they are missing!

  3. Oh my God, are we the same person? I do the same thing with my closet, I at least *want* to go to Australia, I’m allergic to horses, but I still ride after loading up on Benadryl, and I’m a teeth clenching night guard wearer too.
    Solidarity, sista!
    Linda Roy (elleroy was here) recently posted…Yes! My First World Problems Do Amount to a Hill of BeansMy Profile

  4. Bungee Jumping. Girl… you are out your everlovin’ mind. lol Congrats on doing it. I’d never make it to the platform- and here’s the first “thing you don’t know about me”- I have a paralyzing fear of heights. I didn’t always have it. It hit me after a tornado dropped a tree on our house. No idea why a tornado triggered that, but there you have it.

    Bonus thing you don’t know about me (lol)- I’m a fanfiction writer. Well, just a writer, who happens to write fan fic. I’ve written 3 original novels (none published yet), and probably a dozen full-length books in my chosen fandom, as well as close to 20 short stories and “drabbles”, which are made up of a series of just short scenes- Usually up to 200 words long, just a single, stand-alone scene. Essentially, a drabble is just a very-short story.

    So there ya go. 🙂
    Life With Teens and Other Wild Things recently posted…Of Love and Loss and Moving OnMy Profile

    • OMG – a tornado dropped a tree on your house?! Was everyone ok? Scary shit!
      Drabbles -new word of the day. I’d love to read one to see what they are about if you feel comfortable sharing 🙂
      Finally – get those novels to some publishers! My dad has several completed novels under his bed. I think he is crazy… I’m starting to see where I might get it from.
      Thanks for sharing!

  5. Basil is definitely the best of the herbs.

    I have to shower as soon as I get up in the morning or I feel yucky and can’t cope.
    Cassandra recently posted…The Theater of the Uncomfortably IntimateMy Profile

  6. be honest, the reason you wear fuzzy slippers (as i have on now) is because your house has a definite sock ownership issue. (i am a witness)
    your grandmother visits, she is checking your hair (gasp)
    and for me —–clothes in same direction,, sleeveless to long and in the colour wheel…….(suzy shier girl),
    chew nails, wear mouth guard, hate drops and drool when watching Top Gun.

  7. Have you tried “Crabs Against Humidity”? equally good. welcome back!
    eva recently posted…Tattoo Sunburn?! 5 Tips to Avoid it!My Profile

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