A Social Experiment: Two Days Without Internet

A Social Experiment: Two Days Without Internet

I didn’t intend to do it. I never really wanted to do it. I had to do it.

Someone cut my internet cable. I’m sure this crime carries the death penalty in all 50 states and is the only crime punishable by death in Canada.*

*This statement is, unfortunately, entirely false but should be true.

Rogers says Bell cut the line, but I can’t be sure–even though that is highly probable since Bell were on my property and are the competition. Someone is lying but I don’t much care for justice at this point.

I had two days without the internet. Repeat. I HAD TWO DAYS WITHOUT THE INTERNET!

On any given day, if I’m sick of the computer, I often turn to Netflix. Because more screen time soothes me from overuse of the screen. It’s a thing.

But without the internet, there is no Netflix.

So, TV it is. I’m sure I can find some guilty pleasure on HGTV.

But wait. They cut my TV off and my home phone too! HEATHENS!

When I called the service people (from my cell phone) they asked if I had consulted the FAQs on their website.

I’ll let you imagine, for a minute, what I said.

That’s right. “But, I don’t have the internet!” The ‘Idiot’ that followed was implied.

The irony here is that a speaker came to our Wednesday morning mum’s group talking about the Joy of Missing Out. I thought she was full of wisdom about disconnecting and the power of it–at the time. I was even considering disconnecting as an experiment for the whole family this summer.

Then, a mere 6 days later, it happened without warning. There was no joy. Again. There was no joy.

There also was no 13 Reasons Why, Shameless, or Good Wife. Turns out, I can live without the computer quite well, it is Netflix that is the problem. I am addicted to my TV habit. No intervention required. In fact, ‘Bell’ already tried that, and all it proved is that I am a better person with Netflix in my life.

So here are the 13 reasons why I can’t enjoy an internet-free month. Welcome to my tape:

  1. Stranger Things Season 2 (October 31)
  2. Orange is the New Black Season 5 (June 9)
  3. House of Cards Season 5 (May 30)
  4. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 3 (May 19)
  5. The OA Season 2 (likely December)
  6. I still have to finish Grace and Frankie Season 3
  7. I still have to finish The Good Wife
  8. I am almost finished Shameless. Mister cheated on me and went ahead, so there is no stopping me now.
  9. I have Luke Cage to start/finish. (Technically I started it with Mister last night. I fell asleep before the opening credits.)
  10. Friends have told me I have to watch Nashville. I’m not convinced, but they are friends and I don’t want to let them down.
  11. Whatever Netflix recommends next
  12. I’d miss you guys. Really, I love talking to you here and on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter.
  13. Watching Netflix with my kids means I’m a better parent. Stick with me here… it is hard, sometimes, to bring up teen drinking, relationships, bullying, sex, rape, drugs, suicide, and depression. But if you are talking in the context of the show, it gets the conversation started and their own experiences can be mixed in with the show tape. Not just 13 Reasons Why, but Pretty Little Liars, Scandal, Grey’s, really anything they are watching. I felt that way (both Mister and I do) before I saw this clip, but now, I’m certain Netflix is making me a better parent.

Do you have any Netflix recommendations for me? 13 may sound like a lot, but, in reality, I can blow through that easily while procrastinating on writing my novel. So, maybe I don’t want any further recommendations (but really I do).



  1. Sorry. I get U-VERSE for free where we live, so paying for more than I can watch now seems unlikely. Although I’ve always wanted to watch Orange is the New Black……

  2. It’s telling that we now take technology so much for granted that the last time the power went out in my office a coworker asked, “Should we send out an email?”
    Smartphones can be a bit of a backup if you want to watch something on a tiny screen but if you don’t have wifi there’s also the issue of the data plan.
    As for recommendations: I’ve been working through the British sitcom “Black Books” which is extremely funny, although it might not prompt a lot of discussions with teens, other than, “Opening a bookstore is not a good idea.”
    Christopher recently posted…So I Got That Goin’ For Me.My Profile

    • I love British Sitcoms. I’m adding it to the list. Also, opening a bookstore is not a good idea. Damn big boxes have squished all the little booksellers into submission. So sad. I loved our local bookstore with their recommendations, holds just because they read something that reminded them of you, or a call when Harry Potter was in. That last one was for a friend. Yeah, a friend.

  3. We are all the way down at #12? We never stood a chance against Netflix did we? If you like freaky tech heavy stuff with a dash of sexual overtones, check out Black Mirror. It was suggested by http://www.actualconversationswithmyhusand.com and I was hooked after one episode.
    Arionis recently posted…National Nothing DayMy Profile

    • I am going to add Black Mirror. I saw the first episode and totally forgot about it (of course, not Netflix’s fault, it was started on my son’s account). You guys are always number one, except when my kids are involved, then you are number two. In this case, number 12. See. I still love you.

  4. I have been trying to watch Hart of Dixie for over a year. Damn real life getting in my way.

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