Kristine Laco is Adulting in Progress

Rage Cleaning 101
Shit that happens

Rage Cleaning 101

For the last six years the phrase “I like coffee, sleep, reality TV, Netflix and having a cleaning lady,” has appeared on the right-hand side of this page. Cue Covid-19....

May 13, 2020
Pink Doors
Shit that happens

Pink Doors

Mister and I went to Amsterdam when travel was still a thing. Of course, we went by the red light district hoping to see something we couldn’t see in Canada....

April 27, 2020
Love In The Time of Covid
Shit that happens

Love In The Time of Covid

At dinner the other night, the family had a conversation about things we were fantasizing about. Besides the expected of being able to enjoy some freedom and the company of...

April 12, 2020
Giving-Up Chic
Shit that happens

Giving-Up Chic

With the use of only one arm, I am finding pulling on jeans a two-person job. In fact, at a recent event, strangers in the ladies room grabbed belt loops...

March 13, 2020