Back to my Friday F Off – Emergency Room Drama Plagues Me Yet Again
FFO (Friday F-Off)
April 03, 2015
Since I have been trying to play nice with Karma and doing my Friday 5 Lists, I have not improved my luck any. So, today I am going back to my Friday Fuck Off. This time, it’s personal! I am fully aware that my part of the following story may not garner a lot......
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It’s been a bad year. A really bad year for our family. We are grateful we are all alive and healthy, despite our attempts to the contrary. This is the (hopefully) last edition of my Emergency Room Wisdom series which goes something like this: Our housesitter was taken out by our dog and broke her......
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I was in a terrible accident on Tuesday. It started as a fabulous day. In fact, it is the day I look forward to all year. I leave the house early, Mister is ‘on’ with the kids and I take all our ski stuff up north to the place we rent for the season.......
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