Back to my Friday F Off – Emergency Room Drama Plagues Me Yet Again
FFO (Friday F-Off)
April 03, 2015
Since I have been trying to play nice with Karma and doing my Friday 5 Lists, I have not improved my luck any. So, today I am going back to my Friday Fuck Off. This time, it’s personal! I am fully aware that my part of the following story may not garner a lot......
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MY FRIDAY F-OFF Some Fridays I will take time to tell you about something pissing me off. Therapy for me. Mild amusement at my expense for you. Win-Win. I harbour resentment. I carry it with me daily and disguise it well. OK, maybe not “disguise”, but I don’t talk about it endlessly as much.......
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At least I don’t smell like man poop. Emergency room wisdom Part III
Shit that happens
September 09, 2014
The other one is now broken too. Kid that is. This is where the image of our children’s matching broken feet would be, but F’n WordPress will not allow me to import images anymore. You can see it on Twitter if you care or just take my word for it. Kids are The last time......
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MY FRIDAY F-OFF Some Fridays I will take time to tell you about something pissing me off. Therapy for me. Mild amusement at my expense for you. Win-Win. Not what you think… although I could be mad at the mirror any given day as well. No, this week I need to say F off......
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