You Should Probably Just Read Something Else

say no to mum revised

As you can tell by the title, I am in a super good mood. Super!

In the BluntMoms community, they have a facebook group for the cadre writers (of which I am one–I know, I’m surprised too.). Today, everyone is listing all their recent accomplishments. The girls have had some mad success of late. Viral pieces. New jobs. Weight loss. New goats. It’s all happening. I felt I really had nothing to report. This immediately pissed me off and inspired me.

As with everything, there are good and bad to not being popular. Hell, I’ve never been one of the popular girls so there is no need to break the mold.

With all super good moods, I am trying to switch around my attitude. Here are the reasons it is great to NOT be a popular blogger.

  1. WORK! If you start going viral you have to respond to comments, blah blah blah. That amounts to work. I’m inherently lazy so that would suck.
  2. People will then expect more from me. I like that I can spill out my thoughts here, totally random, and y’all accept me. I don’t even have to post for a week and you come back. It’s amazing!
  3. I’d have to start wearing a bra all the time in case some reporter wants to Skype me etc. That would be a drag.
  4. I couldn’t have ‘sit in front of the TV and cry over Netflix’ days.
  5. I am popular with you guys, and that is all I need.

I thought I would also list my accomplishments, not for praise, but for my own therapy. I didn’t share these with the other writers because they couldn’t compete with a baby goat. Really, what does?

  1. I am in an anthology called Once Upon an Expat currently available for pre-sale on Amazon here. Books for sale starting June 6th.
  2. I wrote a short-story in the fantasy genre called Pink Lipstick. This is clearly outside my comfort zone; however, it was still accepted into an anthology. Read about the project here. It is pretty cool and the work is helping at-risk girls in Liberia.
  3. I did not spill anything on the dog.
  4. Shaggy had an accident recently and I refrained from asking the school community for meals. (He is fine, BTW.)
  5. I was rejected by McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. That sounds bad, but I have been sitting on this article to send them for six months and I finally got up the nerve to send it (Thanks Christopher). I will post it later this week for your amusement because I still like it even though it is truly odd.
  6. I got my 100th subscriber to MumRevised!! Actually, that was the highlight of my week. I love you guys!

Maybe it hasn’t been so bad. After all, I may not be rich or famous but my family is pretty proud of me and that is really all I need. Oh, and chocolate. And, coffee. Oh, and this. And, this ashtray and the paddle game and the remote control and the lamp and the matches for sure. That’s all I need. And you guys. After all, I’m not a jerk.


  1. yup, we loves ya. missed you today, just goes to show.

  2. Add Alcohol to that list of things that are all you really need and you’re winning at life tbh.

  3. I’ve noticed that people whose blogs get really popular stop responding to comments. And that’s understandable. If Jenny Lawson took the time to respond to even half her comments she’d never get anything else done.
    So maybe you should revise #1 slightly (’cause revision seems to be something you’re into): you can give your readers personal attention and that’s a fantastic thing.
    Also I’m glad to have helped you have the courage to be rejected and turn those rejection lemons into lemon meringue pie that the school doesn’t deserve any of unless you accidentally dump it on Scooby. Then you can scrape it off and donate it to the school pie walk.
    Also I want to hear more about beer.
    I could go on but this is too long already and THE NEW PHONE BOOK IS HERE!
    Things are going to start happening to you now.
    Christopher recently posted…Polite Quiz.My Profile

  4. Sorry but had to love this even though that might piss you off further. I did wonder if my eyes were playing tricks on me? Baby goat! And yes, the bra thing would be super annoying wouldn’t it be?

  5. Hope you don’t mind, but I just sent ‘Rage Michelle’ to your vlog ‘Stupid Human Tricks’ to see you tie a cherry stem into a knot. It’s on her list of things she would do if she won the lottery.

  6. Stop pretending you’re not famous. Gawd. If I saw you in a restaurant I would say, “Is that really HER? I wonder if I should speak”…ha

    McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. I have to check and see if that really is a thing, but if they reject you then hmmmmph on them.

    I would click on that video, but I don’t have to. I know EVERY word. I love that movie. Fave. You wanna hang around for an oven mitt?
    halfa1000miles recently posted…FREE 5-Year Q&A CalendarMy Profile

  7. Weren’t you just on TV?! I know it was because of your lovely bone structure and not your writing, but I, for one, am envious. And how many books are you in now?

    I agree with Christopher about the personal attention. I hate commenting on blogs when the author doesn’t respond, even if it’s simply because they are so popular that it wouldn’t be feasible. I want you to get what you want, but I love the attention you give us, too xo

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