It has been, literally, 3 months since I last broke a bone. So I was really overdue. I approached the nearby hospital to have an X-ray on my broken toe from March. Lucky for me though, I had smashed the shit out of a toe on the other foot just the previous day. I......
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Welcome to my first combination Friday 5 and Friday F-Off! These are exciting times. I needed to tell you what I am stabby about this week. I know the following are trivial but if you say that to me, I can’t be held accountable for my actions. You have been warned. Can you see the dog......
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Back to my Friday F Off – Emergency Room Drama Plagues Me Yet Again
FFO (Friday F-Off)
April 03, 2015
Since I have been trying to play nice with Karma and doing my Friday 5 Lists, I have not improved my luck any. So, today I am going back to my Friday Fuck Off. This time, it’s personal! I am fully aware that my part of the following story may not garner a lot......
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At least I don’t smell like man poop. Emergency room wisdom Part III
Shit that happens
September 09, 2014
The other one is now broken too. Kid that is. This is where the image of our children’s matching broken feet would be, but F’n WordPress will not allow me to import images anymore. You can see it on Twitter if you care or just take my word for it. Kids are The last time......
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