Before kids, Mister and I chose Italy as our vacation destination one year because, Italy. We found ourselves in Florence where I mistakenly believed I had mastered the Italian language in our five days of vacation. After Mister turned up a one-way street doing down, we headed to a pub to ask for directions......
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I didn’t think I would have to explain this, but apparently, not everyone in our house understands this rule with the possible exception of the dog who is very discerning about what he consumes from the floor. The five-second rule only works if the following conditions exist: Dry, clean floor. If the dry floor......
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To My Former Barista, We had a good thing going. You would write my name on a large cup when you saw me in line at Luke’s and would punch in my order before I even asked. I would sometimes give you a wink and a challenge by requesting a scone too. Today it......
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Dear Pasta Maker, It has been a long time since I felt that tingly feeling you get in the pit of your stomach. Butterflies people call it. I call it a craving. I have been unable to eat wheat, rice, and potatoes for so long–because my naturopath hates me–that I needed you to complete my......
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It’s Official: Old Age is Upon Me (aka 10 Aging Tricks for Youngsters)
EG, Shit that happens
October 25, 2016

I found my first chin hair this morning, or should I say mourning. I am mourning my former self. The youthful, exuberant, chin-hair-free self. She was beautiful. She had her whole life ahead of her. She was yesterday. Today is a new reality and I am turning over a new leaf. I plan to......
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