Before kids, Mister and I chose Italy as our vacation destination one year because, Italy. We found ourselves in Florence where I mistakenly believed I had mastered the Italian language in our five days of vacation. After Mister turned up a one-way street doing down, we headed to a pub to ask for directions......
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So I alluded to being in emergency again just before Christmas… Here’s the story and why I gave up Diet Coke for a New Year’s resolution. Stupid aspartame linked to strokes and migraines in some obscure lab in the middle of Buttfuck nowhere but I’m doing it anyway. Stop nagging now Mom! ...
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Before we had kids I had a job. My job rarely included travel with two exceptions. I spent a glorious choke weekend in downtown Minneapolis. I actually like Minneapolis but that downtown is scary on the weekends. It becomes what Oakland, California is pretty much all the time (sorry if you are from there–trying......
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I thought it would be apropos on this of all Hallows’ Eve to tell you my first brush with death in my Dead Series. I recently confessed to my less-than-cool childhood, I wanted to make another confession–one I only told my father about recently. My neighbour tried to kill me when I was about 9. Picture it, we......
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I recently brought the kids to the Bowmanville Zoo where they had a lion cub encounter. We got to spend 30 minutes snuggling a very sleepy lion cub… but don’t let that fool you. I was always in danger! Shortly after these pictures were taken the cub turned around and got mad at my......
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