Friday 5: I Am a Judgemental Bitch

Friday 5: I Am a Judgemental Bitch

I am a nasty bitch in my head. I know you are saying, probably out loud, ‘You are exaggerating Kristine. I think you’re swell’. Maybe you didn’t say swell unless you are over 80, but still, you get the picture. No, I am truly a judgemental nasty person on the inside. On the outside, not so much. Inside, I am a stinker. But not that kind of stinker (that will be funnier later).

I have been spending time on the subway lately. There are a vast array of people on the subway. Plenty to look at and plenty to be judgemental about. Below my rants in italics are what I would say to my children if they asked why I was making my ‘You are seriously planning to leave those dirty socks on my coffee table’ face. Or, if I was caught by the offender also making this face, but I might double over a bit feigning stomach cramps before saying my spiel in italics–damn, I am an eighty year-old man trapped in a 46-y.o. body. Scratch that, I have a 55 y.o. body because I am advanced.

judgemental face

My judgemental bitch observations (the subway is making me crazy):

1. Long toenails. I am not talking about the “I haven’t looked down there in 1 month and my polish is almost gone” look. I am a mum, I get that. What I am talking about is the people with long toenails to the point that they can only wear flip flops. Here’s a general rule: If your toenails are longer that Gaga’s fingernails, you have gone too far. This woman loved her toenails too, because they were recently polished to a bright blue, unmissable, shine. WTF?! What kind of dirt and grime must be hiding under those talons? They had even started to curl so I wonder if she clipped along the floors at home like a dog. But to my kids:

I could never keep my toenails like that. I would be constantly stubbing them and breaking them.

2. Breastfeeding in rush hour. I am likely to get a few haters on this one. Picture it, rush hour and we were all fighting for space on a crowded car. I was expecting the subway workers to start pushing us through the doors like they do in Tokyo. When I finally wrestle my way in and decide it is not worth looking to see what is touching my ass, I looked over to see a mother breastfeeding her little cherub. She was not only taking up two seats with this endeavour, she was also wielding a giant stroller intended not for a small child, but clearly meant to house a baby hippo for the shear size of it. It took up the entire isle. I breastfed our kids and I know it is super convenient. You can do it anywhere. Here’s the thing. You can do it anywhere like at home, in one of the thousands of nursing rooms in Toronto or even on the platform while waiting for the subway. It is hard enough on a crowded subway to know where to look. If I see boob, I am going to look and I wish I could only look once, but I am going to have to look again to ensure what I saw was correct. Now I look like a pervert and with my ‘I gotta poop’ face on, this is not good.

(Throw rotten tomatoes now). But my kids would have heard:

How beautiful to see a baby bonding with her mother. 

3. Ugly people open mouth kissing. I am going so far as to say, any people open mouth kissing. I am totally cool with the ‘goodbye honey, have a great day’ kiss. No worries there. But the groping slobbery open mouth moan kiss is just too much for public consumption. My kids did see this one and I wish I would have said It’s nice when people are in love. But what I did say was ‘I know, ick. Just look away.’ Not my best parenting moment but at least they know where I stand on PDA’s.

4. Transgendered kid who had mastered liquid eyeliner. This one is a bit of respect too because liquid eyeliner is a bitch. I always end up looking like a tranny… oh, now I get it. Anyway, this girl was not quite there yet. Her legs were shaved last week and she was wearing capris with long dark stubble. But what I learned is that you can make yourself to look like a girl but your feet will always say boy. Those toes were definitely man-toes and I wondered if there is surgery for that. Then I looked it up. It’s a thing! I was pretty pumped to know that this kid had hope in ridding her of man-feet. Speaking of pretty pumped, I also found out in my search that there is a procedure called the Loub Job to let women feel more comfortable in their Christian Louboutin’s. WTF? Mister was pretty excited when I asked him if he knew what a Loub Job was. He wasn’t as excited when I told him what it really was.

I wish I could do my liquid eyeliner like that. You must have a steady hand.

5. Painted on eyebrows. I just don’t get it. I think these women look ridiculous with their painted on eyebrows. Why is this a thing? Just why? I see nothing wrong with a little fill-in but not the shave half (or all) of your eyebrow off and then paint them on. These women (and to be PC for once here, transgendered people) be crazy! I can not for the life of me understand how it can possibly be perceived as being attractive. Am I wrong?

That must take a lot of work to get perfect. (I might even go back to the steady hand comment because I don’t want to wear myself out thinking of nice things to say.)

Even though the ending is dumb in this video, you will understand what I mean about the painted on brows. WTF?! I mean, really. WTF?! (NSFW)

And as a bonus to my Friday 5, I present #6. Stinky people. With all of us in the subway car jammed like sheep and smelling like jammed in sardines, most of us have to reach up and grab the grab bars to not launch ourselves into the middle of the car for a grope. If you stink, there should be priority seating for you. I mean it. I should not have to be subjected to your underarm stank because you can’t get in the shower once/week or arrive earlier to get on a subway where you will get a seat and put those skunkers down. I have nothing nice to say on this one except that there should be a special place in hell in the subway for you. That’s right. Priority seating for the odour impaired. I have a hard enough time keeping my breakfast down with the regular sweaty people smell topped with overkill perfume and curry breakfast belches. Here is what I propose:

priority seating

Bonus on my brilliant graphic image is that it doubles for women with hairy armpits also using the grab bar. Put on a shirt with sleeves or have a seat people. I just can’t… I am so evolved right?!

What I said to my kids? Can we move to the next car because I can’t stand the smell? I might as well just throw out that Mother of the Year card they made for me in second grade. I blew it all in one day.

That concludes this week’s Friday 6. If you are a closeted judgemental bitch, join me by subscribing. I have plenty more where this came from. Look up and on the right. Not here, at the top. Now right. Why are you still reading down here. Go now before time runs out! PS: It never runs out but go now anyway.


  1. We all have that internal voice, don’t we? And I am impressed by anyone who can do good eyeliner. I am not one of them.
    michelle recently posted…Social Media For The DeadMy Profile

  2. I am a judgmental bitch about people who act like they’re sooo non-judgmental but you know they really ARE judgmental. I believe everybody is (judgmental)!
    kdcol recently posted…Coins only!My Profile

  3. It’s the stinky people that really get me. There are a lot of things I can let go–I’m pretty non-judgmental, really, which is actually a bad thing for a writer because “oh, that’s a thing, well, good for them” doesn’t lend itself to a lot of material. But stinky people really get to me, at least in part because for years I worked with a guy who obviously didn’t bathe much. It was bad enough being around him but there was something even worse about getting into an empty elevator and being able to tell he’d been in there earlier.
    Christopher recently posted…The Day After.My Profile

    • The left back smell is so bad. How did you stand working alongside someone like that? A call to HR to ask them to kindly speak to them might have been in order…
      I worked with an HR woman who walked up to a colleague and told him “You stink. Don’t come back until you’ve had a shower.” I swear she turned around and snickered. I avoided her in elevators, water coolers, copy rooms and social gatherings. That girl was crazy!

  4. A couple of years ago I gave up being judgmental for Lent. I tried to stop myself every time I realized I was having a judgmental thought and it was way harder than I thought it would be. I’m sure 100’s of those thoughts slipped through without my noticing. I think I’d rather give up coffee, wine, chocolate and sex at the same time than do that again. Or I could do like my daughter did last year and give up “lunch dessert,” and then bitch about it incessantly. (I just threw that line part in–even though it’s true–so you’d know that you’re not the only one who feels undeserving of that Mother of the Year award.

    P.S. I’ve forwarded a copy of this to the Toronto La Leche League and they’re on their way.

    • Don’t worry, I think the La Leche League already has my number from the time I made that face at a mum’s group when the 5-year-old went into the kitchen and lifted up his mother’s shirt and took a sip. I am still shaking my head at that one.
      I like to give up heroin and hang gliding for lent and I am always 100% successful. Lunch dessert is a good one too though…

  5. Oh my God Kristine, you are my brother by another mother. (I know it’s sister by another mister but it doesn’t sound as good to me). I too have the same judgmental thoughts but because I’m an INFJ and the ” J” stands for judging I’m like, “I can’t help it. I was hardwired this way”. Perhaps it’s the same with you. In any case, I adored this post and I’m totally stealing the Lent excuse for the future.

  6. My big one is definitely the drawn on eyebrows? When did that become a thing? In the 80s Madonna made pencil thin eyebrows a thing, and I certainly haven’t given that up. Now I’m supposed to draw on the eyebrows that I’ve spent so much time meticulously plucking? I think not. I this one, I rebel.
    Sandra recently posted…Teenage Angst Versus DepressionMy Profile

  7. Oh god, I can’t handle the drawn-on eyebrows. I don’t understand them.

    I once got a discount for a local spa through my old work, so one day I thought I’d treat myself and went in for a facial. Halfway through the exfoliating scrub, the woman who was working on me casually offered to fill in my eyebrows with permanent makeup (read: TATTOO MY FACE) because mine were so light compared to my hair.

    I said no (okay I kinda panicked and yelled it more than said it) but the whole rest of the appointment I was still terrified to close my eyes in case she decided to take the initiative and try to give me Sharpie brows without my consent.
    Spoken Like A True Nut recently posted…Nutty and the Russians.My Profile

    • I can’t relax during facials as it is. Now I will have a really hard time worrying that my eyebrows will be shaved and drawn on. All I stressed about before was that they would poke me in the eye with their nails and forget to take the mask off. Thanks Nutty. Just thanks.

  8. Right there with you on the open-mouthed kissing! Ugh.

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