A couple of things made me write this post. One, I’m eating too much and want to cut back on my portions which means I tell myself I am constantly starving so everything is a food reference. Of course, I am not starving, just have no self-control. Two, don’t we all miss Letterman? Anyway,......
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I have been trying to make sense of the new world–the world that would vote for Donald Trump. As an outsider, I am flummoxed. But, I don’t live in the US and can’t fully understand what would make someone vote for an orange megalomaniac with all the signs of a cult leader. Follow the......
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I hope you enjoy this special edition of Beyoncé’s “If I Were a Boy.” Sorry Queen B, I may have butchered it and I hope you are not a Drumpf supporter because that would make this bad on so many levels. No copyright infringement intended BTW: If you are in the Greater Toronto Area,......
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Canadians are having fun watching the US political debacle race. I realized I am grossly in need of some physical boundaries after watching Drumpf’s plan to put walls around his country to keep the Canadians, Mexicans and Muslims out. Nothing says inspiration like racism. Am I right?! So, get out the bricks and mortar,......
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