It started as a lark. One day when our daughter was frustrating me, I downloaded an app that told me how many days there were left until she left for university. Now the app is a reminder that she is leaving and it is no longer funny. One of the reasons I married my......
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This week’s prompt… Skunks. You have 15 minutes–go! Musk Oil It was a late morning. We had company the night before for a lively dinner and the kitchen was already clean so there was no rush to begin our day. Then I heard him. He was barking at the back door as if he......
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The exciting part about turning 50 is that I get to experience the joy of getting older called menopause, or more accurately, perimenopause. And by joy I mean, rage, and by exciting I mean rage-inducing. Top 15 Symptoms of Menopause or Perimenopause There are numbered top lists for everything, and this includes the symptoms......
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It was a sad day when they announced the TLC show Toddlers In Tiara would be cancelled. Many wannabees were crushed to miss their opportunity to show their hard work on TV. They can still work the pageant circuit, but will they ever be famous now? We have seen the ads, heck, maybe we’ve......
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If you would like to play along, get your pen an paper ready. This week’s prompt… Taxes. You have 15 minutes–go! Age and Taxes There was a time in my life that I could calculate the taxes on a meal and the tip without fingers, toes or even, gasp, a handheld device. That time......
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